Can you test if your relationship will last – Melissa Ferrari

A simple test can determine whether our relationship will last

Relationships can be hard work and how hard has been highlighted by a study from recent research that has revealed that it takes 5 positive interactions to counter 1 negative. If the ratio slips below 5, then you will enter troubled times and if the ratio of positive to negative hits 1:1 or below on a regular basis then there is a 90% probability your relationship will end.

So how can we keep our positive interactions high and still deal with the issues that arise in our relationships?

Whilst conflict is inevitable, remaining engaged and focusing on the positives of our partner will go a long way to building a strong and thriving relationship. Psychotherapist and relationship expert Melissa Ferrari will outline how couples can make sure that they are reaching the ‘magic’ number 5 positive interactions with their partner.

1. Have the tough discussions face to face – When we are face to face we can read our partners intentions and expressions
2. Truly look at your partner – By gazing lovingly at your partner at least once a day they will see how much you love and cherish them
3. Let them know that you are thinking of them – Drop a love note in their bag, lunchbox or send a text telling them how much they mean to you.

Listen to the podcast here.

Melissa Ferrari is a Sydney registered psychotherapist and counsellor with more than 20 years of experience in couples counselling and individual therapy. She is one of Australia’s most sought-after therapists and is regularly called upon as a relationship expert in national media.
click here to visit her on the web

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