Mental Health Day and Medication – Paul Spinks

35 million prescriptions and counting – Australia we have a problem!

Each year more and more Australian’s, including a rising group of adolescence, are being prescribed with anti-depressants. This number now equal to over 4 million Aussies receiving over 35 million prescriptions.

With international studies suggesting the ineffectiveness of anti-depressants, particular for young adults, is it time to look at other options than simply a pill for our mental health?

Paramedic and mental health campaigner Paul Spinks, who has spent a career witnessing the ravages of mental health on call out after call out, believes that we need a rethink on how we deal with depression in this country.
As part of the segment he will discuss the extent of the mental health crisis, with research showing that 1 in 2 Australian’s suffering some form of depression and that dispensing a pill, whilst critical in some cases, is not the right decision for all.

Paul believes that it is time to treat the cause rather than the symptom. To stop relying upon only a pill to make ourselves feel better. That being prescribed a lifetime of increasing dosage is not healthy for our children or ourselves.

Paul wants an end to the ‘pop a pill and it will all be right’ attitude and instead for the community look to positive solutions to help people deal with depression. Tackling the cause through psychological support from professionals, family, and friends. And doing what we can as individuals to get healthy in our mind and body, so we can to get off the pills.

Listen to the podcast here.

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