Breakthrough In Years Long Stoush Between University And Union

An intense week of negotiations have seen the University of Newcastle and National Tertiary Education Union reach a breakthrough in their long-running dispute.

The talks were facilitated by the Fair Work Commission after efforts to hash out a new enterprise agreement failed to make headway for the better part of two years.

But on Friday the two parties came to an in-principle agreement on the content of new deals covering professional, academic and teaching staff.

The full details of the proposed agreements are due to be released by the end of next week.

They will then be put to a staff ballot, where it is hoped they will vote to bring an end to a tumultuous few years punctuated by industrial action.

University Vice Chancellor Alex Zelinsky said in a statement the efforts of the Fair Work Commission had allowed them to close the deal.

“I acknowledge the constructive approach adopted by all of our bargaining representatives this week. I also appreciate the significant role played by Deputy President Saunders of the Fair Work Commission in facilitating bargaining.”

He went on to describe it as a significant achievement that would benefit staff, students, the University, and the broader community.

“This is positive news and I extend my sincere thanks to everyone involved – for their focus and efforts to reach consensus and the willingness of all parties to compromise.”

The Newcastle branch of the NTEU has been contacted for comment.

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