17 years since Pasha Bulker ran aground in Newcastle

Today marks the 17th anniversary of the Pasha Bulker running aground at Nobbys Beach.

The 225 metre long and 76,000 tonne ship failed to heed to warning of Port of Newcastle authorities who radioed to vessels waiting to load coal to move out to sea to escape the approaching storm.

The Westpac Rescue Helicopter was called in to winch out the 22 crew members onboard.

Images of the ship stranded on the beach were broadcast all around the world, while thousands descended on the city’s east to see the spectical in the flesh.

Around 10,000 Newcastle properties experienced flooding after more than 300mm of rain fell over 24 hours, and 5,000 cars were written off during the storm. 

It took almost a month to get the ship back on the water.

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