Greens spruik National Energy Transition Authority Bill in Newcastle

The Greens have returned to Newcastle to announce they’ve made good on a pre-election commitment, to introduce a National Energy Transition Authority.

Before the May ballot, the party announced it would introduce a Bill to establish the authority, which would guide Australia’s transition away from fossil fuels and into new industries, such as renewables.

The National Energy Transition Authority would be responsible for the planning, co-ordination and funding the move to cleaner industries and would be established in coal and gas regions, managed by locals, unions and businesses.

It would also be funded to grow new industries and secure jobs. 

The Greens Industry, Transition and Regional Development spokesperson, Senator Penny Allman-Payne says it’s about looking after workers and communities.

“Communities shouldn’t be finding out through announcements on the Stock Exchange that their coal industries are going to be closing and in many cases closing early.

“As someone who comes from a coal and gas community in Queensland, it’s really important to me that we are looking after workers and communities, as we go through this transition.

“We are very aware that different communities are at different points in the journey, as we transition to renewable energy economies.

“That is why it is important to plan the transition so that no community is left behind and what we have learnt from early closures around the world is, it is never to early to plan,” Ms Allman-Payne said. 

The Greens say they are confident that the Federal Government are open for discussions about the authority.

The Bill has gone off to an inquiry, which is due to report back on March 14 next year. Submissions are being accepted until November 20. 

Ms Allman-Payne is on a tour of regions where industry transition is occuring, having just come from the La Trobe Valley in Victoria, where she also met with locals to discuss the authority. 

Pictured: NSW Senator David Shoebridge and Penny Allman-Payne.

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