Hunter Dam’s undergoing major safety reviews

Two of the Hunter’s dams are undergoing major safety reviews.

As part of the process Hunter Water engineers and independent experts have been carrying out visual and satellite inspections at Chichester and Grahamstown Dam’s.

New draft and interim risk reports have been submitted to Dams Safety NSW as part of the 15-yearly assessment, with the final versions to be completed in the coming weeks and months.

Hunter Water’s Executive Manager Customer Delivery, Clint Thomson says new technology and techniques are providing our engineers and an independent expert review panel with new insights into the dams.

“Dams like Chichester and Grahamstown are designed to remain in service for potentially hundreds of years. Over time, the industry’s understanding of the dams under extreme conditions such as rare flooding events and major earthquakes improves.

“After every major review we have invested in upgrading our dams. In 1984 we installed anchors inside the Chichester Dam wall, which is almost 100 years old, with subsequent works in 1995 and 2003. At Grahamstown Dam six major upgrades have occurred since its construction almost 60 years ago.

“The latest reviews and any recommendations that follow will ensure the dams continue to operate safely and serve the community for many decades to come,” Mr Thomson said. 

In the past, the reviews have typically been followed by major upgrades.

Image: Chichester Dam. Source: Hunter Water

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