Upgraded Newcastle Pools To Reopen Ahead Of Summer

Newcastle’s five inland pools have got a re-opening date in time for the warmer months following improvement works over Winter.

Lambton Swimming Centre will be the first to reopen its doors for the traditional early swimming season on August 21, while the pools at Stockton, Mayfield, Wallsend and Beresfield will be back in action during the September school holidays. 

The pools will be operated by BlueFit while new lease arrangements are finalised. City of Newcastle is currently preparing a report for the Minister for Local Government following the recent public notice of the proposed lease.

“In the meantime, City of Newcastle has granted an extension of the current lease with BlueFit to ensure these important community assets can open for the upcoming swimming season. BlueFit will also provide day-to-day management of Beresfield Swimming Centre as it is included in the tender that has been awarded,” City of Newcastle Executive Manager Community and Recreation Lynn Duffy said.

Swimmers will be able to enjoy the refreshed and upgraded facilities, with works completed across all five swimming centres including safety upgrades, extensive re-painting, and maintenance of the pool tiles and promenades. 

Construction of a new grandstand at Lambton made huge strides over the Winter closure period and is on track for completion in November, while three smaller ones have already been installed around the diving pool.

Over at Mayfield a new shade sail and tiered seating structure has gone in, while at Beresfield the pumps, lane ropes and play equipment have all been replaced.

Stockton and Wallsend have also received new spectator seating.

“City of Newcastle has invested more than $5 million upgrading and $2 million maintaining the city’s public pool network during the past few years to ensure they continue to meet the expectations and evolving needs of more than 320,000 people who visit them each year,” Ms Duffy said.

“Our team has completed an extensive program of capital and maintenance works during the past few months to ensure the comfort, safety and enjoyment of our community when they visit these valued community facilities.”

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